Troubleshooting a failed installation
If presented with the following dialogue, installation of Search 8 via X1SearchSetup.exe has failed for an unknown reason.
There are a number of different reasons that this might be the case:
Administrative Rights
If the user on the machine does not have sufficient privileges to install programs on the machine, the attempt to install will fail. This is the best place to start troubleshooting.
To ensure you have administrative privileges on your computer:
- Go to the Start menu.
- Select Settings, then Control Panel (depending on which version of Windows you have.)
- Open User Accounts.
- Verify that the currently logged-in user has "Administrator"
- If Administrator is displayed in the Group column or for your user name, it means the currently logged in user has administrative privileges.
If you don't have administrator access, ask your network administrator to give you administrator privileges, or ask your network administrator to log in to your system as an administrator to install X1 Search 8.
Too Many Files in the Temp Directory
If the there are too many temp files in the temp directory, the attempt to install will fail. Clearing the temp directory is a very simple solution to this issue.
To clear the temp file directory:
- Press the Windows Button + R to open the "Run" dialog box.
- Enter this text: %temp% (this is a shortcut to C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp)
- Click "OK." This will open up a your temp folder.
- Press Ctrl + A to select all items present in the temp directory.
- Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard and click "Yes" to confirm.
- After all temporary files have been deleted, retry the installation.
Upgrade Fails - Windows Disk Cleanup has Removed the Uninstall MSI
When a user installs X1 Search, Windows does the following:
- Creates a registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[ProductId GUID]) for the X1 Search install
- Copies the original X1Search.msi file into the folder C:\Windows\Installer and renames it to a random name
When upgrading, the process consists of uninstalling the previous version of the product (via that saved MSI located in C:\Windows\Installer) and installing the new version.
On occasion, the Microsoft Windows Disk Cleanup tool will remove required items and will prevent successful installation because the registry key reference to the previous version's MSI (or even the actual MSI in the C:\Windows\Installer directory) is missing.
To resolve this, use the Microsoft Install and Uninstall Troubleshooting tool available here:
To Fix a Missing Uninstall MSI:
- Run the Microsoft Install and Uninstall Troubleshooting tool
- Select the "Uninstalling" option
- Select the "X1 Search" option during the "Select the Program you want to uninstall" menu
- Click "Yes" when prompted
- Attempt to install the newest version of X1 Search again
Installation Via .MSI (Microsoft Installer) Package
An uncommon cause of installation failures is interference with X1SearchSetup.exe's download of the .MSI file. This can be worked around via downloading and installing via the MSI directly.
To download and install via MSI:
- Verify the bitness of your operating system (32 or 64 bit) via the following steps:
- Open the Control Panel
- Click the System and Security, and select System
- Check the "System type:" field to see the bitness of your operating system;
Download the correct MSI for the bitness of your operating system:
Run the MSI installer from the location you downloaded it to.
Continued Failures
If the installation continues to fail, a support ticket will be necessary to diagnose the issue and attempt a resolution.
Steps to submitting a support ticket to diagnose install failures:
- To expedite the diagnosis of your support ticket, attach the most recent install logs.
- Press the Windows Button + R to open the "Run" dialog box.
- Enter this text: %temp% (this is a shortcut to C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp)
- Click "OK." This will open up a your temp folder.
- The setup logs are named as such:
- X1SearchSetup.log
- X1Setup.log
- x1search_install##########.log (akin to x1search_install635833909506379069.log)
- MSI@@@@@.LOG (where @= a string of numbers and letters)
- Collect those logs into a .zip file and attach it to the support case or email.
- Submit a support case via the instructions available here.
- Chris Scott, X1 Search Product Manager