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Instagram Video Capture

Capturing Videos with the Instagram Capture Scanner

With the release of X1 Social Discovery v7.2, the Instagram Capture scanner now supports Instagram video, Reels, and Video Carousel parsing, previews, and Mp4 downloads, with full comment expansion.  Video Downloads are enabled by default, and can be toggled off via the Capture Settings in the upper right-hand corner of the external capture browser.

Instagram videos and reels can be captured via an Instagram Profile capture, just like any other post. This includes videos from the Posts, Reels, and Tagged tabs from a User Profile. Videos can also be collected directly using their url from the newly supported individual Post Page.   

Here are some helpful tips for downloading the other various types of videos found on Instagram.    

Instagram Video Capture

To capture Instagram videos from a User Profile, either browse or input the url for the User Profile whose videos you wish to collect. Select whether you would like to capture from the Posts, Reels, or Tagged tab. Capturing from the Posts tab will capture all the available posts, including video; the Reels tab will collect all the accessible Reels a User has posted, with the exception of those posted only as Stories; and the Tagged tab will capture posts that the targeted Instagram user has been tagged in.

To collect all the available posts on the selected tab, open the Capture Settings via the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner. Video downloads are enabled by default, but the Capture Settings allow Examiners to select whether to enable Auto-Scroll to capture 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 or more posts; and, whether to enable Auto-Expansion. After making the selection, clicking Start Capture will begin the collection.

This will capture the profile posts and videos in the Post Theater mode, as the Auto-Scroll moves from post to post. Examiners can also select a specific video post from the profile by clicking on it to pop out the Post Theater for the chosen post. Choosing to capture the post without Auto-Scroll enabled will capture only that post. With Auto-Scroll enabled, the Instagram Capture scanner will begin the collection from the chosen post. Any Video Carousels the scanner comes across will be automatically cycled through and downloaded.

As of Social Discovery 7.2, Examiners can now capture Instagram Posts and Videos from the individual Post Page. To access an Instagram Post Page from a User Profile page, click on the desired post/video to bring it up in the Post Theater view. Then click on the “. . .” in the upper right-hand corner of the Post Theater, to bring up the post option menu. Select “Go To Post” to be redirected to the Post Page.

Each Instagram Post Page has an individual url. This can be found in the metadata of the captured posts. Additionally, the post url can be used to navigate directly to the post page. Auto-Expansion can be enabled on Post Pages to automatically expand the Post’s comments and replies, but Auto-Scroll settings will not have an effect. All Post Carousels will be automatically cycled through, and any videos will be downloaded.