How do I change my index location?

Changing the location of your X1 Search Index.

By default, X1 Search places index files in the X1 Data Directory in the following locations depending on your Operating System:

Please note: Currently we support storing the X1 Search index on the local drive.  

Windows 10, 7, and Vista: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\X1Search

If you want to change the location of your Index File, please do the following:

        1. Select Menu>Options



    2. Select the 'Index' tab and then 'Change Location':




3. With the folder structure, select a new location to store your X1 Search index, or click ‘Make New Folder’ to indicate a new location.

     Use this dialog box to navigate to the new folder location for your X1 Search program and click the [OK] button.



If you want to create a new folder for the program, first navigate to the Parent Folder for the new folder you want to create; then select the [Make New  Folder] button and create a new name for the folder when prompted by Windows. 


5. Once you select a new location for your X1 Search Directory, click ‘Ok’, displaying a popup window:


     6.  Choose [OK] to commit these changes and re-start X1 Search. Click [Cancel] to abort the changes.

Please note: As with any application, you should avoid storing the X1 Search Directory on your desktop.