Archiving and Importing your case data.
Archiving/Backing Up a Case
It is always important to Archive Case Data. Archiving is the best way to maintain the integrity of the collection when it is not in use and additionally it is good practice to make sure all cases are archived/backed up and safe before any major upgrades. Cases may be archived either to a local or externally accessible drive for later use. We recommend archiving any larger, inactive cases to conserve disk space.
- Access the Main Menu > Manage Cases menu.
- When the Manage Cases Dialog displays, click on the case so that it is highlighted/selected, and click Archive.
- Browse to a location for the case archive by selecting an existing folder or creating a new one.
- Provide a name for the archived case in the File name field and click the Save button. The case is archived in the directory specified with a .x1Matter file extension.
- A dialog asking Do you want to remove the case after archiving? displays giving the user the option to keep the collection in the index or move it off the system entirely.
**Select YES to remove the case from the Manage Cases dialog. Once the archive exists this file no longer appears in the Manage Cases Dialog and you are able to import it at a future date.
**Select NO to keep the case available in the Manage Collections. Please be aware that this option basically means the user is making a backup case collection at the time and date that it was archived. If the matter stays indexing, and continues to collect records, what is available in the index will be different from the archive you created. Additionally, users cannot import a case that already exists in the Manage Case dialog because they share configuration details like Case ID and Case name. In other words, Users cannot import a file which already exists in the index.
NOTE: Depending on the number of items being archived, this process could take up to several hours to complete.
Importing a Case
If a case has already been archived, and you would like to import the case to begin, or continue working on the case:
- Access the Social Discovery > Manage Cases menu.
- Click Import.
- Browse to and select the desired archived case and click Open. All previously archived cases contain a .x1Matter file extension
- You will receive a prompt asking whether you want to change the Case Root Folder. To keep the default settings, select No.
- If you would like to immediately begin working with the newly imported case, make sure that it is set to Active and then specify whether Active Case collection should be set to ongoing or off.
The case appears in the Manage Cases dialog and is accessible using X1 Social Discovery.