Follow these 4 simple steps to unlock the power of X1 Search 8:
- Browse
- Search
- Preview
- Act!
1. Browse: Browse the Navigation Pane source list, on the left-hand side, and select a source to begin your search. For instance, if you are looking for an email you received last week, you would select Inbox from the list, to limit your results to ONLY emails present in your inbox. Without entering a single search term you have already narrowed your search results!
2. Search: Use the primary Search field to search for keywords - these keywords can reside anywhere, whether it be in the contents of the file or contained somewhere within the metadata of the file.
3. Preview: Without leaving X1 or opening another application, view Emails, Attachments, SharePoint data, and over 500 different File types directly in X1's Preview Pane.
4. Act!: It is not enough to quickly find the emails, attachments, and files, but you need to act on them as well. X1 Search 8's Post Search Actions (PSAs) allow you to perform a number of operations on the selected file(s); included, but not limited to: Open, Open Folder, Print for files; and Open, Reply, Forward, Move, Copy, and even Delete for emails, all without leaving X1.